Participatory research

I have been facing quite a few challenges with identifying co-researchers which I think is due to following reasons:

A. young workers-these are very young women who do not seem at this moment of time interested in exploring the questions about life, work etc. They are not averse to meeting and talking once in a while, but not quite ready to engage in a process as I was hoping to get them interested;  

B. Time: they are all factory workers with 3 shifts of work (24x7 factories), so it’s basically 8 hrs of work, 3 shifts, 1 weekly off and long distance travels, not much time to think or write or to discuss. Also it’s difficult to meet in a group as people have different shifts/work hours etc. 

So the challenge is both logistical (given the nature of work) and also the young profile of the workers. Although I am not sure youth is the major factor, but I think one does think and respond differently at different times/phases of life. I am talking to young women in the age group of 18-24, first time out of their villages (rural backgrounds), in modern factories, waged work and better conditions of work (than farm work perhaps), they live independently (in groups of 3-4 girls) in rented houses, travel, have access to a bit of money which they never had before, can and are forging relationships with men/making independent choices etc.

On the issue of PAR/collaborative project, at this moment, the research is fully driven by me and I do not have a core group of co-researchers (workers) who are partnering in directing/evolving the research process. But possibilities of deeper engagement is still there.This may throw up challenges and questions about collaborative research methodology per se. At what level collaboration or participation is possible, what can be the degree or extent of participation, does sharing of one's life story/experience in some sense a participatory process or can be considered a contribution to the process or does it always need to be more than that? What can be considered as participation or collaboration? Well, these are just random thoughts and questions as I break my head over the words 'participation' and 'collaboration', PAR!!!


I have one 'co-researcher'. From the time I met her, almost 4 months back, she has been intensely interested in the research, have been very spontaneous in her involvement and over a period of time we have developed a personal bond. Her mind is so sparklingly bright, the way she connects her everyday life at work and outside, the larger politics of production, shop floor solidarities with the larger politics outside is most refreshing and insightful. I have through my conversations with 'K' (lets call her 'k') gained so much insights about the lives of the young working women and men.
K and I decided the other day, that K would make a short video about life-work as she sees it. So a very enterprising K, now armed with a handicam in her bag all the time, shoots short vedios her room with her roommates, on the streets, talking to her colleagues, drivers in the company buses...interestingly she has also started writing down some small notes (which she was completely resistant to earlier).

The other day, I was witness to an interview that K was conducting with two of her colleagues and it was a revelation to me. Her approach to the whole process, where she brought in her own experience struck a different chord with her colleagues. I felt that they opened up to her more, they instantly connected with her, they were connected with their shared lived experiences at work and homes, backgrounds and maybe youth. I can't boast of any of these attributes! 

What I have learnt while doing this sort of research is to have a lot of patience and commitment to develop relationships, also an ability to 'let go'. The need to trust the other. Also the fact that even one interested co-researcher/collaborator can make a lot of difference to the research.

Today, one of my other diary writer has invited me to her engagement party! While I have 2-3 other young women who have been interested in research and have been writing diaries, I still can't call them 'co-researchers'. Perhaps I can say they are participants in the research. I had hoped and still do that they become more involved in the research, but I guess I will have to wait and see.

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